
In addition to my nonfiction work and poetry, I am also a skilled copywriter with specialties in education, healthcare, finance, and publishing. Below, you'll find a sampling of my pieces.

Please click each to see the full work, and to see some of my newer pieces, check out my updates page. don't hesitate to contact me if you have a project that could use a clear head and a keen editorial eye.

Welcome Back Email for Professors - Design by Wee Design Group

Psychology Poster Brochure - Design by Pink Slip Industries
Global Programs Student Profiles - In-House Design

Communication Catalog - Design by QD Design

Campus Calendar - In-House Design

Hudson Valley Hospital Center Annual Report
Life Sciences Email - Design by Kristin Maffei
Communication Textbook Back Cover/Infographic - In-House Design

Conference Program Ad - Design by Pink Slip Industries

Journal Ad - Design by Pink Slip Industries

Biology Textbook Brochure - Design by QD Design